Friday, January 13, 2012

I'm Back!---Insulted 'supermother'

Well I had a short break of a year or so but I've been somewhat inspired to write of late and told I should be doing a lot more of it by several people so here I am.

Building Update:
It's done!
Riverview cottage open and working. 2 bedroom self-contained kitchen. adjoining shower and toilet block with new verandah. Still no tv/internet/phone but everyone can live with that for a little while. Lots of books and games on the shelves. Visitors welcome anytime!

So that is the building goal done and dusted.

Now on to more personal stuff!

Not many people know for the last 5 years there has only been 1 goal in my life and that was achieved last year in June with the arrival of Evie. Evie is an IVF baby hence the big goal that took up any spare energy and time I had, not to mention the trips away.

But now we have her and I am eternally grateful for our healthy third child.........

Hence my 'voidness' now.....I need another goal!

Years ago I had a teaching job full time in town. I struggled with the working farmers wife thing, tried to be super mum to 2 toddlers and it was also a time of great drought........

It was when I was asked by some head of the teaching department from the city one day where I saw my teaching 'career' going I snapped. I was not doing the job for the love, only survival and habit. So I quit. Sacrifices in many other areas were made but I no longer had to drive the treadmill each day which was fantastic. That was 3 years ago....when I finished I reckoned it was going to take me 5 years to recover and rest but I think I've done it in 3.

So now I call myself a "floper" (former life of paid employment). I am the enemy...a stay at home farmers wife. Working women hate me....other stay at homers are very wary of me because I switched teams. And me? I am still wondering which life is better some days.

The positives......I spend all day with my kids because I teach them (I know they can read and write already which is such a bonus after working with so many who can't)....I get out on the farm a little bit more than when I worked, I have made some real friends, I don't have to live in a box in a town and I got my third baby!

Then someone insulted me this week by calling me a 'Supermother'. They meant it in the nicest possible way but to me it was totally this it for me now? Is it what I have become and all I am destined to be?

So this is the reality check!

Time for serious goal setting again.....and whilst this is happening I shall write!