Thursday, December 31, 2009

Why do I have a headache on New Years Day?

Well 2010 is here. I am still at no particular decision about exactly what I am going to do with the building once it is ready. At present the goal is to just get it ready. So far I taken out all of the crap that is not needed and have nearly finished washing down the walls. I have manged to convince Joff to let me use his spray gun for the painting. A couple of people have told me you just need to put plastic over the windows and floor and go for it. It actually sounds like a bit of fun! Of course I shall keep you posted.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Douglas Christmas Newletter

Merry Christmas 2009

Well that’s another year done and dusted for the Douglas family. Lots done and a fair bit of dust is still about. We are waiting for it to settle with some grass growing, dam filling and river running rain.

09 was all about adapting to changes for all of us. Many thought Kylie had quit her teaching job, headed for the hills, grew her arm pit hair and other mysterious plants in the scrub, painted a rainbow on the hi-lux and home schooled the kids. Some of the previously mentioned are true- I’ll let you work it out for yourselves. I did teach Darcy year 1 though Charleville distance education (school of the air) which is through education Queensland. Both children attended the “Verniew Paddock Academy” with Joff as the director. Kylie also got a refresher course. Curriculum included: animal husbandry, water management, mustering techniques, fencing skills, dry lick nutrition distribution, truck driving for dummies and bore pulling 101.
After a very long adjustment period we are now all loving being at home more and being involved with all aspects of the ‘cattle company’ that we are still in partnership with mum with.

Now to the perfect husband of the year and wonder children updates!

Joff: Still very busy and has great difficulty keeping still unless there is beer or rum in his hand. He has a new secret weapon of Black Angus bulls we are trying this year. He has been buying and selling shares a lot more and actually reading books by Alan Kohler. As a token of his great love for me he built me a dam at ‘Dougdale’ called Fiji as that was where our holiday money went instead! However, we did go on a camping treck to South Australia which was a bit chillier but still most enjoyable.

Darcy: (6) Musters cattle like a mad thing and canters past Kylie to block the lead. He played football this year and both parents were ecstatic that he ran the same way as all other team members. (We don’t even watch the state of origin.) Darcy also won in a local art show judged by Wolfgang John from Birdsville. You should have heard the conversation he and Joff had about the difference between art and crap!

Princess Samantha: (5) Sam did ballet this year and loved it. Kylie has become the founding member of Mitchell Mothers Against Bloody Ballet Concerts but is yet find any members. Joff fell asleep in the second half of the concert. Sam’s new day care became the chook pen as she is the only one who is allowed feed, water, collect eggs 110 times a day. She even requested a rooster for her birthday. All things pink and girly are still of the upmost importance in her life.

Bring on 2010! We will look forward to better seasons, 2 kids to teach in the schoolroom and maybe a camping trip to the Northern Territory?? Kylie has become very accustomed to sitting on the veranda with tea and scones watching the grass grow and the cattle get fat and plans to do a lot more of it in between the supply teaching and distance ed camps that pop up in her retired life.

Thanks for your friendship and support this year and may you and your family have a brilliant and refreshing Christmas and memorable 2010.

Merry Chistmas! Love From Kylie

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Paint purchased

I have bought a very large tin of white paint and some sugar soap.....
total cost so far $160.00.
Now the fun/work begins.
Might even try to tackle it over the Christmas break.....

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I'm thinking about paint....

So I'm just thinking about paint colours....

I haven't cleaned down walls or anything yet, but it's aways good to think ahead.

I was thinking about just plain white everywhere so I can then go to town with colour in the furniture etc. What do you think???? Also I am aware that there are about 10000 shades of white. What does one do about that?

Input here would be a great help ladies, time to use your talents!!!!!!

Also I you know/hear/see any second hand tables/chairs/beds I would love to know more about them.....

Of course I'm going with second hand stuff as part of the whole sustainable/ recycle thing! That and my budget is pretty much non exist ant. But I am willing to pay for stuff if anyone wants to sell.

I also have a fantastic painting contractor as pictured and they have grown a bit since then so they should be even better now.
waiting to hear what you think.............................

Friday, November 20, 2009

Woman's thing thoughts and reflections

Well I thought last Wednesday's networking session was great. The presentations were all fantastic and everyone appeared to be really focused on their project and knew what they wanted to do. (I must get on to that one myself!)
What amazed me the most was how different all of the projects were- such diversity!! It was also great that we were all able to share our ideas with each other so we know what everyone else is thinking........

Monday, November 16, 2009

Welcome to my blog....

Hello there,

I'm very new to the world of blog so please be kind to me.

It's called the good life after a crazy 70's bbc show with the same name.

The show was based around 2 neighbours in an English city. One lot of neighbours had quit their jobs in order to become self sufficient. The other neighbour continued their usual city lifestyle but were always there to interact and support the self sufficient couple when needed.

It was one of the first shows our family used to watch when we eventually got tv when I was about 6. They were re-runs by then so stop trying to work out my age!

While I know I'll never be able to be completely self sustainable in this mixed up earth we live in- I strongly believe in wasting as little as possible and living simply.

Yeh I know that means I should grow my arm pit hair and move to the commune but I just like my power and shower too much!

But in saying that I have simplified my life a lot in the last 12 months.

I quit my job, I grow lots of vegetables, I help my husband with the cattle property, I am teaching the kids myself through distance education, I now have hobbies/interests and a sort of social life!

And I have ideas and plans for the future.........................