Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I'm thinking about paint....

So I'm just thinking about paint colours....

I haven't cleaned down walls or anything yet, but it's aways good to think ahead.

I was thinking about just plain white everywhere so I can then go to town with colour in the furniture etc. What do you think???? Also I am aware that there are about 10000 shades of white. What does one do about that?

Input here would be a great help ladies, time to use your talents!!!!!!

Also I you know/hear/see any second hand tables/chairs/beds I would love to know more about them.....

Of course I'm going with second hand stuff as part of the whole sustainable/ recycle thing! That and my budget is pretty much non exist ant. But I am willing to pay for stuff if anyone wants to sell.

I also have a fantastic painting contractor as pictured and they have grown a bit since then so they should be even better now.
waiting to hear what you think.............................


  1. yayyyyy kylie!! get stuck into it!!!!

    china white is always beautiful; not too cold, and not too creamy. stowe white is also a cracker.
    big fan of the single colour; and keeping it all white. leaves plenty of scope for wild design with your furniture/highlight placement. nottttt to mention the time ease and budget!!!
    buttttttttt; our resident int gal mellymellygomelly should be able to give you her expert advice!!!! gomellygo!!

    the painting contractors look seriously able to spread a lot of colour; and what now with two more years under them; looook out!!!!
    like reallly!!! heres one your contractor's cousin did.... his name is ronny. annnd he was eventually painted over; but you can still see the inchthick paint!

    good on you for getting into it!!! lets all keep motoring!!!

  2. right so wouldnt let me put a photo up; will post ronny on my site. funny man he is.
